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Dublin procedure

The Dublin procedure means the examination within the Dublin III Regulation to determine which European state is responsible for the actual examination of an asylum application. This procedure is part of European asylum system and happens prior to the asylum application’s actual examination. The Dublin procedure is carried out by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF): The Office compares the asylum seeker’s fingerprints with the European databank EURODAC to determine whether the person has already been registered or applied for asylum in another EU country. If this is the case, the Federal Office. applies the Dublin Regulation and files a “transfer request” with this country. If the state in which the asylum seeker is already registered in consents to the transfer request, the asylum seeker can be deported to this country. Unlike the deportation to a country or region of origin, this form of deportation is referred to as “transfer”. The Dublin Regulation aims to achieve that every asylum application is only examined once by one of the EU member states as well as Norway, Iceland, Switzerland or Liechtenstein. The state asylum seekers enter first, is responsible for them.