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The concept of diaspora describes different modes of belonging. There is no unitary or generally accepted definition of the concept. The term diaspora derives from the Greek word for dispersion. It was initially applied to the global scattering of the Jewish people. The meaning of diaspora has since been extended to the experience of other groups with similar characteristics like the expulsion from a region or origin and global dispersion. Today, social scientists have different understandings of diaspora: Narrower approaches define diaspora groups according to the Jewish Diaspora as groups that experienced (violent) expulsion and global dispersion, a collective identity, marginalization in their regions of residence as well as the orientation towards a (historical) homeland and the (symbolical) wish to return. More common among social scientists and activists is the broader understanding of diaspora as an alternative concept of belonging that transcends territorialised conceptualisations of identity. This understanding focusses on elements of collective identity and hybrid identities as well as networks within and between diasporic groups. While some people self-identify as part of a diaspora and considers this a political and solidary act, others are being ascribed a diasporic identity they might not assume themselves by the media or academia.